So I am feeling compelled to collect as much history as I can to give to my daughter when she is older. I would love to get a newspaper from the day she was born and put it away for her. I even kept the surgical mask and head cover I was wearing from her delivery, just so I can show her what I was wearing when she was born.
My parents and grandmother were here the other day visiting and they told me that they had purchased silver coin proof sets from the year I was born and put them away for me. I had never seen them or even known they were there. Finding out about them got me thinking about putting together a little coin collection for Elizabeth.
I have never had any interest in collecting coins before but I feel oddly compelled to grab as many coins as I can and put them away. Sure there is the possibility of the coins being worth something one day or even that there is already value to them. What I really want to do is have them so she can see what coins used to be like. On a whim I grabbed a coin folder to collect the state quarter series. If nothing else this could be a good way to help her learn the states when she is old enough.
Another thing I want to do is figure out as much of my family’s ancestry as possible. I have worked on this off and on over the years. I really want to go as far back as I can go. I’d love to know where my family came from, and obtain a family crest if there is one, and just learn as much as I can.
I already keep a journal for myself about things going on in my life so if those survive time, Elizabeth will be able to read that and learn more things about me anyway.
I want to collect her life as well. I want pictures of everything she does. I no longer have a digital camera, so I am saving up to get a nice digital SLR. Until I can get the new camera I’m stuck using the camera on my phone.
Does anyone out there have any ideas about good things to collect for your kids? Also, is this strong feeling to collect history normal for dads to feel, and do?